
Monday, February 24, 2014

Monitoring Data Guard (Primary & Physical Standby)

Monitoring Data Guard (Primary & Physical Standby)

List of scripts that I'm using to monitor dataguard

Archive gap logs (DR)

Select thread#, low_sequence#, high_sequence# from v$archive_gap;

transport and apply lag (DR)

col name for a13
col value for a13
col unit for a30
set lines 132
Select name, value, time_computed from v$dataguard_stats where name in ('transport lag', 'apply lag');

Identify the missing logs on the primary (On Primary)

Select L.thread#, L.sequence#
  (select thread#, sequence# from v$archived_log where dest_id=1) L
    where L.sequence# not in (select sequence# from v$archived_log where dest_id=2 and thread# = L.thread#);

apply rate and active monitoring (DR)

select to_char(start_time, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS') start_time, item , sofar from v$recovery_progress
  where item in ('Active Apply Rate', 'Average Apply Rate', 'Redo Applied');

Note: the redo applied is measured in megabytes, while the average apply rate and the active apply rate is measured in kilobytes.

Viewing the status of the managed recovery process (DR)

col client_pid for a10;
select pid, process, status, client_process, client_pid, thread#, sequence#, block#, blocks from v$managed_standby;

Verify the last sequence# received and the last sequence# applied to standby database by following query: (DR)

SELECT al.thrd "Thread", almax "Last Seq Received", lhmax "Last Seq Applied"
  FROM (  SELECT thread# thrd, MAX (sequence#) almax FROM v$archived_log
           WHERE resetlogs_change# = (SELECT resetlogs_change# FROM v$database)
           GROUP BY thread#) al,
       (  SELECT thread# thrd, MAX (sequence#) lhmax FROM v$log_history
           WHERE first_time = (SELECT MAX (first_time) FROM v$log_history)
           GROUP BY thread#) lh WHERE al.thrd = lh.thrd;

In order to know when your log last applied as well as last received log time issue following query: (DR)

SELECT 'Last Applied  : ' Logs, TO_CHAR (next_time, 'DD-MON-YY:HH24:MI:SS') Time FROM v$archived_log
 WHERE sequence# = (SELECT MAX (sequence#) FROM v$archived_log WHERE applied = 'YES')
SELECT 'Last Received : ' Logs,TO_CHAR (next_time, 'DD-MON-YY:HH24:MI:SS') Time
  FROM v$archived_log WHERE sequence# = (SELECT MAX (sequence#) FROM v$archived_log);

To check Redo apply mode: (On Primary)


Archive Lag Histogram (DR)

col name format a10

Redo switch report of primary database

col day format a15
SELECT A.*, Round(A.Count#*B.AVG#/1024/1024) Daily_Avg_Mb FROM(SELECT To_Char(First_Time,'YYYY-MM-DD') DAY, Count(1) Count#, Min(RECID) Min#, Max(RECID) Max# FROM gv$log_history GROUP BY To_Char(First_Time,'YYYY-MM-DD') ORDER BY 1 DESC) A,(SELECT Avg(BYTES) AVG#, Count(1) Count#, Max(BYTES) Max_Bytes, Min(BYTES) Min_Bytes FROM gv$log ) B;

Identify the current sequence#

Please use the queries below to identify the current sequence# on the primary for each thread, the last received sequence# on the standby and the last applied sequence# on the standby for each thread so that you will know whether the standby is in sync with the primary, whether there is a transport lag or an apply lag.

SQL > select thread#, max(sequence#) "Last Primary Seq Generated"
from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
where val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
group by thread# order by 1;

SQL > select thread#, max(sequence#) "Last Standby Seq Received"
from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
where val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
group by thread# order by 1;

SQL > select thread#, max(sequence#) "Last Standby Seq Applied"
from v$archived_log val, v$database vdb
where val.resetlogs_change# = vdb.resetlogs_change#
and applied='YES'
group by thread# order by 1;

Active Apply Rate (DR)

set linesize 400
col Values for a65
col Recover_start for a21
select to_char(START_TIME,' hh24:mi:ss') "Recover_start",to_char(item)||' = '||to_char(sofar)||' '||to_char(units)||' '|| to_char(TIMESTAMP,' hh24:mi') "Values" from v$recovery_progress where start_time=(select max(start_time) from v$recovery_progress);

set lines 200 pages 2000
Col "Current time" for a30
col PROC for a15
col process format a8
col spid format a8
col event format a50 tru
col SIW format 999999
select to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "Current time"
       , p.spid
       , substr(s.program, -6) PROC
       , s.event
       , s.p1
       , s.p2
       , s.p3
       , s.seconds_in_wait SIW
       , s.seq#
from v$session s, v$process p
where p.addr = s.paddr and (s.program like '%MRP%' or s.program like '%PR0%' or s.program like '%DBW%' or s.program like '%CKPT%')
order by s.process;

set linesize 150 pagesize 2000
col value format 9999999999999999
select to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "Current time", value
 from v$sysstat
 where name = 'redo size'

set linesize 200 pagesize 2000
col units format a20
col comments format a15
select to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "Current time"
     , ITEM
     , SOFAR
     , TOTAL
     , UNITS
     , to_char(TIMESTAMP,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "Timestamp"
 from v$recovery_progress
 where total = 0;

col name format a30
col value format a18
col unit format a35
col time_computed format a22
     , VALUE
     , UNIT
 from v$dataguard_stats
 order by time_computed

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