
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Voting Disk and Cluster Registry

Voting Disk and Cluster Registry

Voting Disk: A voting disk is a shared disks that will be accessed by all the member of the nodes in the cluster. It is stores the cluster membership information, and keeps the heartbeat information between the nodes. If any of the node is unable to ping the voting disk, cluster immediately recognize the communication failure and evicts the node from the cluster.


Used to determine which instance takes control of cluster in case of node failure to avoid split brain.

Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR): stores and manages configuration information about the cluster resources managed by Oracle clusterware such as Oracle RAC databases, database instance, listeners, VIPs, and servers and applications.

Oracle Local Registry (11gR2): Similar to OCR, introduces in 11gR2 but it only stores information about the local node. It is not shared by other nodes of cluster and used by OHASd while starting or joining a cluster.

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